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English > Entities > Companies > Canal Company for Electricity Distribution
About the company

Al-Sharkia Electricity Sectors is one of the sectors which is affiliated to Canal Company for Electricity Distribution. It includes four sectors:

- North Al-Sharkia sector, which includes 8 departments of electricity to serve the centers of (Abu Kabir - Kafr Saqr - Awlad Saqr - Al Hussainia - San Al Hajar - Faqous - Al Khatara - Hehya - Abu Omar facility).

- South Al-Sharkia sector, which includes 8 departments of electricity to serve the centers of (Diarb Negm - Minya Al Qamh - Mashtoul Al Souq - Belbeis - Inshas Al Raml - Al Ibrahimiyyah).

- Al-Sharkia Middle sector, which includes 9 electricity departments to serve the centers of (Zagazig - Al Qinayat - Abu Hammad - Al Qurain).

- The Execution of Projects Sector, which is concerned with the self-implementation of the major electrical projects to create feeders and lines. The sectors of Al-Sharkia serve (2,360,000) subscribers.



1.    Distribution and sale of electrical energy to subscribers.

2.    Management, operation and maintenance the networks of electric power transmission.

3.    Coordination with the transport company in the preparation of studies, research, designs and implementing the projects of electrical current connection for various uses.

4.    Preparing studies for predicting the required loads and energy.

5.    Self-implementation of major electrical projects.

6.    Carrying out any business or other activities that are related to the purpose of the company.

Services provided by the company

·       In the field of engineering development

·       In the field of implementing programs of improving the quality of electrical supply and reduce the failure rates

·       Development of public services


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